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Troy Lee Designs Značkový obchod

O značce Troy Lee Designs

Troy Lee

As a teenager Troy Lee drives motocross races and alongside he decorates his helmet and other equipment. Quickly his buddies want to have their helmets painted too. So Troy Lee also collects money for his work as an artist next to one or another winners premium. A good quarter of a century later top drivers from motorsport to downhill want their own individual head protection from Troy Lee. Meanwhile the head protections are joined by high-quality textiles, that have a very high quality and are made with a revolutionary and unique design

O značkovém obchodě Troy Lee Designs

Ve značkovém obchodě Troy Lee Designs HIBIKE najdete celkem 480 různých produktů za bezkonkurenční ceny s dopravou po celém světě: Přilby příslušenství / náhradní díly, Rukavice, Kraťasy na kolo, Dresy dlouhý rukáv, Dresy krátký rukáv a ještě více.
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